Node JS
- What is node.js?
- Node JS is a program we use to execute JavaScript on our computers
- In your own words, what is Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine?
- It is an open source JavaScript engine
- What does it mean that node is a JavaScript runtime?
- It is something we use to execute the code.
- What is npm?
- worlds largest software registry and package manager
What version of node are you running on your machine?
What version of npm are you running on your machine?
- What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’?
npm install -g jshint
- What is node used for?
it is a package manager
Pair Programming
- What are the 6 reasons for pair programming?
- Greater efficiency
- Engaged collaboration
- Learning from fellow students
- Social skills
- Job interview readiness
- Work environment readiness
- In your experience, which of these reasons have you found most beneficial?
Work environment readiness is the biggest thing for me. Learning how to conduct myself within a team is a huge thing for me
- How does pair programming work?
one person drives and the other navigates.