Read: That Time When Woman Stopped Coding
- What occured during the same time as the beginning of the decline of women in computer sciene?
- when personal computers started showing up in homes
- Why does it matter that males had been playing on computers growing up?
It gave them more insentive to want to learn how it worked because mostly boys were playing with them
Key Tech
Review the data: Employee breakdown of key technology companies
- What three take-a-ways do you have looking at this data?
- There definitely needs to be more POC’s in tech
- We need to really introduce things like this to young woman and people of color young
- why is it like this?
Why Diversity Matters
Ask the question: Why diversity matters to your tech company
- When are diversity efforts most successful?
when they are driven by company leaders
- Why do diverse companies perform better?
they are smarter and more creative
- Give an example of how a diverse company can serve a diverse user base or vise-versa.
Because they won’t be seeing something marketed one way and it will reach more people/