for(let i = 0; i < userAttempts; i++){
let userGuess = prompt('please enter a number 1-100');
while(userGuess < 1 || userGuess > 100){
userGuess = prompt('wrong range. go again');
This for statement makes sure that i is less than the user attempts (not pictured but for class we used 6) and it gives you a prompt of entering a number 1-100. it also initializes i to 0 and adds i everytime you make an attempt.
## While Loops A while loop executes its statements as long as a specified condition evaluates to true. If it becomes false it will spit out a statement
Example : for(let i = 0; i < userAttempts; i++){
let userGuess = prompt('please enter a number 1-100');
while(userGuess < 1 || userGuess > 100){
userGuess = prompt('wrong range. go again');
If the userguess is less than 1 or greater than 100 a prompt will come out to make them try again.
Assignment Operators
assignment operators or simply “=”
it assigns whatever is to the right of it to whatever is to the left of it
function getuserName(){
let userName = prompt('please enter your name:');
user1= userName
return (userName);
whatever the user puts as their username becomes user1
and it returns their user name in the webpage.
or simply put “double equal sign” compares whatever is to the right and left of it and makes sure they are true
for example:
function getuserAnswer(){
let userAnswer = prompt('DO you like MMA?:')
if (userAnswer.toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
document.write('<h3>Welcome ' + user1 +'</h3>') ;
} else {
document.write('<h3>' + user1 +' , you should try it out</h3>');
in the example its going to compare whatever the users answer is to my question if its a “yes” it spits out a welcome message. if it is something else it will spit out the message try it out. if they answer no for example, the comparison of yes is FALSE.